Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Angela Regulski [email protected]
Garrett Roen [email protected]
Campus Registrar, Enrollment Services
DEF Building, Room 214A (814) 375-4762
Keely Roen [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Wildlife Technology
Program Coordinator, Wildlife Technology
Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisors
Smeal Building, 48 B (814) 372-3003
Mark Royer [email protected]
Janitorial Worker, Building Operations
(814) 375-4713
Haley Rummel [email protected]
Student Engagement Assistant, Office of Student Engagement
Hiller Building, Room 104 (814) 375-4851
Jordan Rummel [email protected]
Disability Resources and CUE Coordinator, Academic Affairs
Swift Building, Room 244 (814) 372-3037
Jungwoo Ryoo, Ph.D. [email protected]
Chancellor, Chancellor's Office
Chief Academic Officer, Academic Affairs
Symmco House (814) 375-4705
Beth Sawyer [email protected]
Education Program Specialist, Continuing and Community Education
DEF Building, 206 (814) 375-4715
John Schneider [email protected]
Head Golf Coach, Athletics
Kelly Lynn Shaffer [email protected]
Janitorial Worker, Building Operations
(814) 375-4713
Heidi L Shindledecker [email protected]
Adjunct, Lecturer, English, Multidisciplinary Studies Program
Hiller Building, Room 113
Luke Sicard [email protected]
Lecturer, Adjunct, Engineering, Engineering Program
DEF Building, Room 110H
Jeremiah Slagle [email protected]
Information Technology Specialist, Information Technology
Swift Building, Room 249 (814) 375-4798
Amity Rae Sloppy [email protected]
Administrative Support Assistant, Academic Affairs
Symmco House (814) 375-4707
Daniel Smay [email protected]
Assistant Athletic Director, Student Programs & Services
Men's Basketball Head Coach, Athletics
PAW Center, Student Affairs (814) 375-4842
Jason Smith [email protected]
Lecturer, Adjunct, Mathematics
Hiller Building, Room 113
Lola Smith [email protected]
Lecturer, Science
Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisors
Swift Building, Room 236 (814) 375-4741
Douglas Snell [email protected]
Maintenance Utility, Building Operations
(814) 375-4713
Amy Sprague [email protected]
Manager, Bookstore
Hiller Building, Penn State Bookstore (814) 375-4751
Craig Stringer [email protected]
Lecturer, Adjunct, Engineering, Engineering Program
DEF Building, Room 110H